What is the real cost of food?

Do the prices we pay in the supermarkets today reflect the real cost of food? What’s the price we pay for high carbon emissions, for example, or for poor quality?

Delving into these questions are the Master’s students from the University of Freiburg’s Environmental Governance (MEG) programme, who organised the Freiburg Forum on Environmental Governance 2014 titled “The Cost of Food – Beyond the Price Tag”, to be held 21-23 February 2014.

The Forum, which will feature four workshops, aims to explore the issues and open up new perspectives through a range of creative formats – from debates, science slams, and theatre, to info-graphics and the visual arts.  The event will also include a public discussion as well as a side program full of fun and interesting activities.People who are interested in taking part in the workshops must register.

Contact: meg8.workshop@gmail.de


Additional information can be found here:

Up for auction: The Amazon – MEG students put on a play about sustainable consumption