Personal Accounts

Daily University Life in Germany
We asked four DAAD scholarship holders about their expectations and first impressions a few months after their arrival in Germany. What have they experienced in the meantime? How do they feel about daily university life in Germany? What do they like, what could be better?
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New Home in Germanyteaser
283  DAAD scholarship holders in the Development-Related Postgraduate Courses begin their studies in Winter Semester. Among them: Daniel Ortiz (Venezuela), Saba Al-Sader (Palestinian Territories), Sharad Mainali (Nepal) and Shraddha Kulhari (India). In the interview, they report on their goals and their initial impressions of Germany.
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International Students, Mothers, Single ParentsFoto Shefayee - Kopie (2)
Studying abroad is a challenge in and of itself. But what if you have to plan not only for yourself but for a child, too? Three scholarship holders share their experiences as single mothers.
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“Always check the weather forecast!”
How have the first few weeks in Germany been for new DAAD scholarship holders? We asked four graduate students – Diana Herrera Leon, Edral Pratam, Nisa Shalizad Butt and Ando Razafindrazaka. In Part II, the four scholarship holders talk about what surprised them most about Germany. They also shared some tips and pointers for future scholarship holders.
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Everything from culture shock and to helpful Germans
The new semester has begun, and for many of the international students enrolled in postgraduate courses, this marks the beginning of a new life. First impressions, strange experiences, problems and homesickness – four graduate students talk about their first few weeks in Germany.
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„Germany is open-minded and modern”
He has just finished what many DAAD scholarship holders still have before them – a study-stay in Germany. Sam Oguah from Ghana is an electrical engineer and studied in Flensburg. In the interview he talks about how to make the most of your study programme.
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“Alaaf” and “Helau”
“Met ner pappnas gebore, dr Dom in dr Täsch, han mir uns jeschwore, mer jon unsre Wääch…” – is that really the German language? And if so, what does it mean? A hint: February is high season for carnival in Germany.
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Christmas is all around…
For many scholarship holders, this is their first Christmas in Germany. Even if they are Christian, the Christmas holiday is celebrated much differently than in their home countries.
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Waleed Mohsin Fatth is from Yemen currently spending two year in Berlin as a DAAD scholar. Click on the questions during the interview and hear what he has to say!

A successful career
“It’s easy for me to work for a German organisation because I think German,” says Ganeshamoorthy Jegan from Sri Lanka. In the video, he talks about what he learned in Germany and how he overcame culture shock.

Going the extra mile
When Mayra Virgina Herrera Gomez thinks about Millennium Express, she immediately thinks of the unusually high level of commitment demonstrated by the scholarship holders, the advisors and the university instructors. No matter where they were – in a workshop, a conference or in the classroom – “they went the extra mile in everything they did,” says Mayra. In the video she talks about what she liked the most and about the challenges that await her in her home country of El Salvador.

How does a DAAD scholarship effect your personal development and career? Hear what scholarship holders and alumni have to say.